Free dentistry for High School Kids
Did you know that dentistry is free for high school kids in Nelson?
The process is simple. Ring us and book an appointment. On your first appointment you will need to fill in a form which enrols you with the government scheme. From there on in it costs you nothing until the day you turn 18.
It’s worth taking advantage of.
We will get you back each year (or more often if your brushing and mouth needs a bit more work). All check ups, cleans and fillings are completely free.
How it works:
Dentistry is free for Year 9s to the day you turn 18.
Routine dentistry is covered – this includes check ups, cleans, fillings and other routine dentistry.
What is not covered is cosmetic dentistry such as orthodontics, orthodontic extractions, whitening, mouth guards plus a few other bits. Anything not covered we will make you well aware so there are no surprises.
If your child has a trip, fall, bang, knock, wipe out call us straight away. The consultation and any xrays are free as covered by ACC.
The cost of treatment is not fully covered by ACC – however we have a policy not to charge any child under the age of 18 the additional costs following an accident. We understand you have enough stress with the accident alone let alone having to pay for treatment.
Stoke Location
Mapua Location
Stoke - One Dental
424 Main Road
Nelson 7011
Mapua - One Dental
66 Aranui Road
Tasman 7055